Commercial Bear-Proof Enclosures

Commercial Bear Box Features
Keyless Entry
Patented, hassle-free features that make operation a breeze.
UV Resistant
Powder-coated finishes that won’t fade or peel.
Grizzly Resistant
Tested & certified by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee.
Made in America
Manufactured in the USA using the highest quality materials possible.
CE Economy Series
Our CE series is a multifunctional unit that is used for areas where you want to keep animals and humans out of the trash. The one way chute lets you deposit trash in the top and it will be secured inside and totally tamper proof. Used in areas such as ski resorts, city streets, gas stations and shopping malls, ADA compliant commercial grade.
CE 140
Our single can size public use enclosure holds 40 gallons of trash or recyclables, is ADA compliant and includes a 40 gallon liner inside, main service door lockable.
26 x 22 x 53 (D x L x H); 40 gal; 181lbs.
CE 240
The most popular of our trash / recycle combo units holds 80 gallons of material, ADA compliant, lockable and includes liners. This is the first choice for most retail customers that need trash and recyclables secured.
26 x 36 x 53 (D x L x H); 80 gal; 242lbs.
CE 340
The CE340 is great for high traffic areas where service times may be extended. The 3 chutes can be labeled all trash or a combo of trash / glass/ aluminum etc! holds 120 gallons of material, ADA compliant. 3, 40 gallon liners included.
26 x 47 x 53 (D x L x H); 120 gal; 315lbs.
CE Series
The CE Series enclosures are heavy-duty, ADA approved products that are a good choice where accessibility is key. They are user friendly, maintenance friendly and made to last years in any environment.
CE 132
Bear Proof, ADA Compliant and Universally Accessible, Single Chute Trash/Recycling Enclosure.
24 x 26 x 53 (D x L x H); 32 gal; 221lbs.
CE 232
Bear Proof, ADA Compliant and Universally Accessible, Double Chute Trash/Recycling Enclosure.
24 x 48 x 53 (D x L x H); 64 gal; 400lbs.